Question: What is the first thing I should do after my accompanying animals are injured or died?

Answer: My father found my dog , in his garden this morning and found it in bullets in his head. He was a sweet dog.

I thought about taking revenge, but I noticed that there is a way to get revenge without taking another life. So I took it back to the court and wanted to know what I could do as I heard how he was dying. They managed to arrest somehow, but I told myself that I would be eligible for financial compensation. I confirmed that I am qualified with them, they said I said. I got money from this as long as the murderer is behind the stick. I was satisfied for this reason, but it was still devastated by his death. Anything you can do is to ask your local building.

私は復讐をする の方法で裁判所に戻し、彼の死の仕組みを聞いて何ができるのか知りたがりました。私はこのような理由で満足していました。私は彼らと資格を持っていました。殺人犯がスティックの後ろにいる限り、私はこれからお金を得ています。私はこのような理由で満足していましたが、まだ彼の死によって荒廃しました。あなたができることは、あなたの地元の建物に頼むことです。愛、SSSSSSS